Aortic Pericardial Heart Valve

SKU: liva_perceval Categoría: Etiqueta:

Restores and preserves natural valve performance

•The collapsed profile minimizes trauma to the aortic wall
•While enabling a full and direct view
•Temporary guiding sutures ensure optimal placement
•100% freedom from SVD at 5-year max follow-up1

Reduces the surgical impact

Code Description Use
ICV 1208 Perceval size S Single use
1209 Perceval size M
1210 Perceval size L
1211 Perceval size XL
ICV 1268 Smart Clip Single use
ICV 1219 Sizers Kit Re-usable
ICV 1232 Dual Collapser Base Re-usable
ICV 1230 Accessories Tray Re-usable

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